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March 11, 2023 - Marvel offers an audition to Liza Oberano?

 In a recent interview, the CEO of a major entertainment company made a controversial statement regarding actress Liza Oberano's audition offer from Marvel Studios.

The CEO, who wished to remain anonymous, said that he believed Oberano was "careless" for turning down the offer to audition for a role in a Marvel film. He went on to say that the opportunity was a "once in a lifetime chance" and that Oberano should have been more thoughtful in her decision.

Oberano, who is known for her roles in Filipino films and television shows, was reportedly offered the audition after catching the attention of Marvel executives with her performance in the Netflix series "Trese."

Many fans of Oberano were quick to defend her decision, citing her desire to focus on her current projects and the importance of prioritizing one's mental health.

The CEO's statement has sparked a conversation online about the pressures faced by actors and performers in the entertainment industry, and the importance of respecting their decisions.

In response to the controversy, a representative for Oberano issued a statement saying, "We support Liza's decision to prioritize her well-being and career goals. We hope that this conversation will help shed light on the challenges faced by actors in our industry and the need for more understanding and support."

The statement serves as a reminder that while opportunities in the entertainment industry may seem glamorous, they often come with significant pressures and challenges that can impact an actor's mental and emotional well-being.

It also highlights the importance of respecting an actor's personal decisions regarding their career and priorities. The entertainment industry is known for its cut-throat competition, and actors often face difficult choices when it comes to managing their time and opportunities.

This incident has sparked an important conversation about the mental health of actors and the need for the industry to be more supportive of their well-being. The pressures of fame, social media scrutiny, and the constant need to prove oneself can take a toll on even the most seasoned performers.

It is crucial for actors to take care of themselves both physically and mentally, and for the industry to provide resources and support to help them navigate the challenges they face. This includes access to mental health services, career guidance, and support for maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

In the end, Liza Oberano's decision to prioritize her own well-being and career goals serves as an inspiration for other actors who may be struggling with similar pressures and challenges. The industry must learn to respect and support these decisions, and work towards creating a more compassionate and sustainable environment for performers.

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