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Claudine Barretto says she's okay now with Gretchen's support


Actress Claudine Barretto shared touching details during a candid interview on GMA Network's Fast Talk program about the support she has received from her sisters. Opposite to public perception, Claudine said that Gretchen Barretto, her sister, never left her side and remained a pillar of support throughout the difficult time.

Gretchen "never abandoned me. She's always been there, supporting me emotionally and standing by me during tough times," This revelation comes as a surprise to many, given the highly-publicized conflicts between the Barretto sisters in the past.

Claudine continued by pointing out that Marjorie Barretto, her other sister, has also taken an active part in dinners and family get-togethers. In light of the earlier disputes that had kept the siblings apart.

In the Fast Talk program, Claudine refrained from delving into the specific details of the recent controversy that sparked media interest. She chooses to instead highlight the benefits of her family's support and the actions they are doing to mend old wounds. The actress added that they don't get together often because of their schedules, but they get along with her niece Julia Barretto.

The revelation by Claudine regarding Gretchen and Marjorie's attendance at family gatherings indicates an improvement in their relationship. The family seems to be moving forward together.

Claudine also opened up about her deep appreciation for a statement made by fellow actress Judy Ann Santos. The event took place at the height of their stardom when both actresses were referred to as "Teleserye Queens."

Claudine remembers the TV interview where Judy Ann was questioned about the title and whether or not she was the only one who had the crown. Claudine was delighted when Judy Ann said, "NO, Claudine and I shared that title."

Finally, Claudine thanked the host Boy Abunda for his wisdom and counsel, saying that no one else could pierce a soul as deeply as he could.

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